This web page has been developed to provide Coroners and Medical Examiners with useful information regarding death investigation in drug-related cases, including access to a secure, direct, one-way portal for the purpose of sharing information and lessons learned from investigation of medication incident associated deaths.
ISMP Canada has worked with a number of provincial and territorial Coroner's and Medical Examiner's Offices on both a formal and informal basis, including case reviews, committee membership, and providing expert witness testimony for inquests.
Analysis of case data from Coroner and Medical Examiner investigations provides insights into underlying contributing factors and can suggest opportunities for improvement that may be broadly applicable, with the potential to reduce the likelihood of future similar deaths.
This secure portal provides coroners and medical examiners with a direct, secure connection to ISMP Canada for the purpose of sharing lessons learned from case data.
ISMP Canada will review data submitted to assess opportunities for sharing generalizable learning and actions recommended to reduce the likelihood of recurrence, in a de-identified way, e.g., through an ISMP Canada bulletin.
Analysis of Data from 2012-13 Health Canada Project:
A collaborative medication safety project was undertaken with 4 provincial Offices of the Chief Coroner and Chief Medical Examiner in 2012-2013, with funding support from Health Canada. This project generated a number of publications and other resources, including the following: