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Medication Safety Self-Assessment® for Hospitals 1. Establish a multidisciplinary team consisting of the following individuals (at a minimum):
Your team should be provided with sufficient time to complete the self-assessment and charged with responsibility to evaluate, accurately and honestly, the current status of medication practices in your facility. Because medication use is a complex, inter-disciplinary process, the value and accuracy of the self-assessment is significantly reduced if it is completed by a single discipline involved in medication use. We suggest you schedule a series of three meetings of one to two hours to complete the self-assessment. 2. Before the self-assessment begins, have everyone read and review the survey in its entirety. The copyright allows you to make copies of the self-assessment for internal use. 3. Complete the "Demographic Information" form. 4. Discuss each core distinguishing characteristic and evaluate the hospital's current success in implementing the self-assessment items. As necessary, investigate and verify the level of implementation for each item with other health care practitioners outside the task force. When a consensus on the level of implementation for each self-assessment item has been reached, mark one of the following choices next to each item (the responses can later be entered into the ISMP Canada website, www.ismp-canada.org):
For self-assessment items with multiple components, full implementation (a score of D or E) is appropriate only if all components are present. If only one or some of the components have been partially or fully implemented throughout the organization, self-assessment scores should not exceed "C". For self-assessment items with two distinct elements, each separated with the word "OR" and labelled (a) and (b), answer either part (a) or part (b), but not both. Unless otherwise stated, self-assessment items refer to medications prescribed, dispensed and administered to all inpatients and outpatients typically seen in most hospitals, such as patients admitted to the emergency department and ambulatory surgery/procedure units. 5. Take advantage of the web-based program, which allows comparison with results of other respondents on both a national and regional basis. (If you have completed more than one self-assessment, these results can be compared on-line.) Once the self-assessment has been completed, e-mail mssa@ismp-canada.org to obtain a password. Submit data from the completed self-assessment to ISMP Canada electronically through our secure web site (https://www.ismp-canada.org). The Medication Safety Self-Assessment page has a tab entitled Enter Survey See Results. On this page is the field to enter your password and access the MSSA. The special, web-based survey tool will immediately download the information into a database maintained solely by ISMP Canada. No data will be maintained on the Internet survey form after it has been submitted. Confidentiality is assured. The aggregate findings may be used for research and education purposes only. General Questions Do we need senior administrative staff on our team? How many team meetings should we schedule? What if an item doesn't apply to the services offered in my hospital? May I make copies of the Self-Assessment document? Are there situations where the MSSA is not appropriate for a
facility? How are individual items scored? The scoring is not the same for all items, as some identify situations
representing a higher safety risk than others. These items have higher
maximum scores. The scores may range this way: For some items there are no partial scores; a score is only achieved
when there is full implementation, for example: The "absolute" scores are useful when comparing repeated self-assessments or for a specific group analysis; otherwise, the general findings as represented on the graphs are sufficient. How can I use our self-assessment results?
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